Expressing Gratitude During the Holidays

Although the official Employee Appreciation Day is on the first Friday of March and showing appreciation to your employees can be done any time of the year, the holiday season provides the perfect time to show gratitude to your employees. It’s the end of the year, and...

Trick-or-Treating Your Way Through Tax Season

Halloween is almost upon us: horror movies are starting to air on primetime TV and styrofoam tombstones are cropping up on suburban front yards. But what’s scarier than goblins and ghouls? Tax season! That’s why I’ve decided to collect some tax season...

Virtual Assistants for Small Businesses

If you are a small business owner, you may feel like you wear a lot of hats. You may take on marketing, accounting, and customer service roles, which can leave you feeling overwhelmed. In our age of technology and with the more widely-accepted practice of “remote...

Receipt Management for the Digital Age

One of the benefits of being a small business owner is having the luxury of deducting company expenses from your tax return. How good does it feel to be able to write off that trip to Miami for a summer trade show or that swanky three-course dinner that you used to...