Social Media Marketing: Is Yours Viral or Void?

by | Feb 17, 2016

With the ever increasing competition in social media marketing, you have to be sure that you are implementing the following strategies to assist you in remaining relevant and possibly putting you ahead of the competition. 

Like anything else, you need to know the basics of social media marketing if you are going to stand a chance. If you are an upcoming Blogger, Web-Entrepreneur, Freelance Business Owner, or just a Social Media Addict, you can benefit from leveraging these strategies.

If you do, your job will be easier and you’ll experience success sooner-rather than later.

Know Your Platform

As a beginner, there’s a need to know where to start with social media marketing which includes knowing where your target audience hangs out as well as understanding who your target customer is.

Try your hardest to avoid the temptation to be everywhere all the time. Cultivate and master one platform before spreading yourself over multiple ones. Assess the chart below to determine where you should initially focus your efforts.

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There is a method to effective posting, updating and tweeting depending on the site used. With the right content including photos, questions, and quotes, your simple post can either go viral or void.

After managing the social media marketing networks of both big (7,000+ audience) and smaller platforms (around 600 followers), I have learned what it takes to get people engaged as well as convert likes and followers in sales.

If you want the exact systems, tools, and headlines I used to get more sales and convert followers and likes into customers, get it below. 

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Create Quality Content

Continuously releasing valuable and high quality content will result in followers subscribing to your lists, making purchases, and ultimately sharing your business with others. Your content, whether it be video or blog posts needs to solve at least 1 problem for your visitors and they need to experience the result as quickly as possible.

People want results- now.

I am not saying that that all results can be experienced quickly but you just need to find the ones that can and give them to your followers. 

Stay Calm; Be Patient

Success in social media marketing doesn’t happen overnight, but rather takes lots of patience. People have to subscribe to the Like, Know, and Trust factors before they will part with their dollars for you.

It always amazes me how often I see some entrepreneurs post so much about their offers and promotions to the extent that you know nothing else about them other than whats for sale. Leverage the 80/20 Rule when it comes to your marketing. In your social media marketing strategy, provide high quality content 80 percent of the time and mention your offers 20 percent of the time.  

Scratch My Back and I’ll Scratch Yours

Don’t always be so ego-centric, share someone else’s content as well. Partner up with another business owner and agree to share each others info. It’s totally cool if the genre’s are different because you need a wild card in your social media marketing mix anyway. They’ll appreciate by sharing yours too, thereby helping in your overall growth.

Expand Your Tool Box

With several tools for your social media marketing at your disposal, be sure you are using tools that optimize your time. Even if you only do social media marketing for yourself and not as a business as I do, I still encourage you to use the following:

  • A content editorial calendar- A spreadsheet or software that helps you manage your daily, monthly, and yearly social marketing. It will house your content’s headlines, links, your posting schedule, and really anything that is essential to effective social media marketing efforts. If you don’t have the time to put one together, you grab a copy of mine below. 
  • Ready to go Headline Swipe Files- Be sure to store your headlines that relate to content you will post often like links to newsletters, contact us pages, websites, etc. Eventually you’ll build up a pretty substantial spreadsheet (or however you house yours) of evergreen headlines.  
  • Bitly Short Link GeneratorSome automation platforms are able to shorten your links but they do not track your activity on those links which is beneficial when you want to know where your traffic is coming from.  
  • Google AlertsSetup Google Alerts for keywords in your industry. Google will notify you when there is information released about that topic.  

Be Open-Minded

You must be willing to try new tools, resources, and coaching tactics. Keep in mind that you also need to invest the time and patience in utilizing and mastering the resources. 

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