The Company Snapshot is the first page you should look at on a regular basis to learn about the financial health of your business. It has 3 tabs: Company, Payments and Customers. Right out of the box without any customization, the company tab tells you the Income and Expense Trend, Customers Who Owe Money, Account Balances, Top Customers by Sales, Expense Breakdown and more. The Payments tab tells you Invoice Payments Status, Receivables Reports, Recent Transactions, A/R by Aging Period and Payment Reminders. The Customer tab shows Recent Invoices, Sales History, Recent Payments and Best Selling Items.

To look at the report, go to Company->Company Snapshot.


If you Google “Company SnapShot”, you get results for Dunkin Donuts, Clorox, Safeway and Albertsons Merger, among others. The snapshot page has such valuable information that it’s used for company financial reports to investors and for company mergers.

On the Company Page, the Income and Expense Trend can be customized for today, this month, this month to date, this quarter and this year to date as well as yesterday, last month, last quarter and last year. You can see right away that whether your income is exceeding your expenses or vice versa. You can save also it as an image to include in a report.

The Previous Year Income Comparison lets you see year to year how your business is progressing on a yearly, quarterly, monthly or weekly basis. This information lets you know when to run sales to increase income in a lower income month or when to upsell clients who are already in a purchasing frame of mind.

And in the upper right corner (on mine anyway) is the Customers Who Owe Money. See at a glance who your past due customers are and who you can expect payment from in the future. You can also receive payments from this screen in case you’ve forgotten to record it.

If you’ve been keeping up with recording all your transactions and reconciling your bank and credit card accounts, the Account Balances will show you exactly how much money you have in the bank and how much you owe.

If you know who your Top Customers by Sales are, how can you provide more for them? Perhaps you can write a thank you note or offer an extra service that they might interest them.

If you’ve been paying your quarterly estimated taxes on time, then your Previous Year Expense Comparison chart will be pretty steady. Perhaps you have a specific month every year that you have a large expenditure to purchase supplies or materials. If so, you can plan for that during the year now but setting aside a specific amount each month.

The Expense Breakdown lets you know where you spend money in your business. It also helps you know where you can save or where you should spend more to grow your business. 

I’m just going to touch on the other tabs which offer information specific to Payments and Customers. On the Payments tab, you can receive payments, create sales receipts or enter credits and refunds right from there. You can get detailed reports on customer balances, A/R aging reports, sales by customer, deposit details, and unbilled costs by job. The Customer tabs tells you detailed information about each customer like their recent invoices, recent payments, sales history and best-selling items.

Take a look at this report and let me know if I can help you interpret it, customize it or help you populate it.